Soul, Strategy, Success Membership

Soul, Strategy, Success Membership

Learn how to do life / work using your natural strengths & inner strategy, stop hustling and enjoy more harmony in your outer world.

$55 to Join $55 per month

No Commitment Subscription

What is Soul, Strategy, Success?

Soul, Strategy, Success is unlike any other membership—it's an educational and empowering space rooted in spiritual principles and practical strategies.

Inside the membership you'll learn how to identify your natural strengths, use your inner strategy, stop hustling and enjoy more harmony in your outer world.

The content & coaching format is the most convenient of any membership you've been a part of.

You're able to learn the content while engaging back & forth with Coach Sonja on your own schedule! 

Bye Bye being afraid to miss a coaching call and forfeit getting coached!

You’ll get results because I'll guide you in becoming more self-aware & accepting so that you can create truly aligned harmony habits by you specifically for you. 

Then I'll then coach you in taking action, practicing your new habits. You'll make the perfect adjustments needed to create your most harmonious life using the time, money and energy you have right now, instead of waiting for perfect circumstances that never show up.

You won't be overwhelmed with information / content overload.

​You'll practice what you learn in the "wild" in less than 15min. a day and notice changes in how you think, make decisions and act in the first week, whether you make a coaching session or not. 

You’ll achieve long lasting results quicker because every action step won't require more than 20 mins. throughout your day to implement.

What's Included?

Access to Two Core Content Courses designed to guide you through radical self awareness & acceptance. Then how to create new habits that you'll remember to incorporate and want to practice because you built them using your unique soul strategy. 

Bi-Weekly Coaching + Q & A each Month: individual guidance, support, and accountability as you create Harmony Habits & navigate your unique soul strategy success path with replay access 24/7 via our private membership podcast portal. 

One Live Community Check-in Session: Join us live once a month for this two part zoom session where we focus or "check in on" your progress from any coaching you've received or Bonus content recently added to the membership.

  • Focus One: BE Soul-Centered - Get coached on anything you need to  center yourself so you can follow through with having your mental, emotional, spiritual and relationship needs & desires fulfilled.
  • Focus Two: DO Strategy - Get personalized coaching on the actions you can do using the resources you have right now to make steady progress and achieve the results you want in your business or career. 
  • All coaching call replays can be accessed for 24/7 via our private membership podcast portal. Get coached anytime anywhere without being glued to a monitor or screen and enjoy the benefits of unlimited "a-ha" moments from other peoples coaching Or being afraid of who might join the membership later and see you.

Unlimited Access To Two Transformative Courses

Six Weeks of Self Mastery

The ultimate self awareness and mindset course to help you identify what matters to you most in this season of your life, see how your current thoughts and behavior are attracting or repelling your desires and give you the baby step-like skills &  actions to change your habits and beliefs.

Soul First, Then Strategy: Soul First Success™ 

A four module course that builds off Six Weeks Of Self Mastery and teaches how to take really simple, impactful actions each day to fulfill their entrepreneurial, mental well-being or relationship goals with harmony not hustle™ 

Why Join Us?

Because here, you're not just joining a membership—you become part of a movement to usher in a new narrative that our most effective strategy for success already lies within you, not outside you.

Hey there, I'm Sonja Thompkins. I help women fulfill their responsibilities, relationships and well-being goals with harmony not hustle.

I went from not having a clue how to open & operate my first business while having a personal life to owning & operating 5 in 3 different industries while navigating marriage, motherhood and prioritizing my well-being.

I’ll help you create new habits so that you can live with more work life harmony instead of feeling like a failure chasing balance.

You no longer have to be in multiple coaching groups, regardless of your unique lifestyle or industry niche in order to do work and life differently, consciously - your way.

And if you are, you'll learn how to digest that information better and get actionable.

I'm here to support you every step of the way.

You’ll get results because I'll show you how to take action using the time, money and energy you have right now instead of waiting for perfect circumstances that never show up. 

Ready to begin your journey to soulful success? Click below to join Soul, Strategy, Success Membership now!

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